
The Devil’s Avocado
'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three generations of entrepreneurs on the climate and local communities. What choices can (or should?) they make?

ELEC 2023
This fall, Den Bosch is the setting for the 9th edition of the European Lean Educators Conference (ELEC). For three days an international audience will be challenged to discuss the future with and of lean management.

De Circulaire SPRONG
The aim of De Circulaire Sprong (The Circular Leap) is to unlock new economic earning potential and social impact in the region. This will lay the foundation for an industrial circular transition.
De Circulaire Sprong is a joint initiative of Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Avans University of Applied Sciences. This research is financially supported by the National Regieorgaan SIA.

SUSTainable Artistic INnovation (Sustain)
In SUSTAIN, we develop a well-founded and manageable Brokers Knowledge Canvas that describes which tensions develop in collaborations between artists and entrepreneurs and why and how to make them work. We focus on the 'stuff' in the collaboration, and develop knowledge before and with the innovation brokers on how to realise synergy, both in the here and now and in the long term.